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Category: Airship

Seattle Boat Show

Tonight, looking back toward downtown from Elliottt Bay Marina (Space Needle on the left): Our first night at the marina (Thursday) we ran into our friend Sam and hung out with him on his Nordic 37 and had some wine/beer, and then he came over for a late dinner…really a…

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Sluys Poulsbo Bakery

So, you know how sometimes you go to a new place, and people who have been there before all enthusiastically tell you "OMG you HAVE to go to such-and-such place and get the thingamajigger! It's the best one of those thingamajiggers we've EVER had?" (Come on, we've all done it,…

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Blurry Wildlife

Last night I was in bed reading and I heard a little "clomp clomp clomp" above my head so I bolted up to go see what it was (didn't sound like a bird). From the pilot house I looked out toward the bow and up pops the little head of…

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Slow Day in Langley

(We're there on the outside dock on the right, inside the breakwater) We left the boat and headed into town about 45 minutes after the Seahawks playoff game had gotten underway (a big deal around these parts), and the streets were deserted. ("They're all dead inside!") We wandered over to…

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