Here are a couple of snaps I took yesterday in the marina. It was quite rainy, so I spent most of the day working and catching up on things requiring the internets (while Kevin finished up his conference in San Francisco), but I did take a break to go pick…
1 CommentCategory: Airship
Late this morning after a bunch of work, I headed down to Saxman Village to check out some more Tlinget, Haida, and Tsimshian totem art. I just did the $5 grounds ticket and not the $35 tour guide tour, so I didn't get to learn which totems were which tribes…
1 CommentYesterday it rained ALL DAY. Okay, I exaggerate. It stopped for about a half hour once at about 5pm. I worked most of the day from the boat, and then in the afternoon when it was just drizzling (and not raining sideways anymore), I walked up to Tongass and exchanged…
2 CommentsThe weather improved quite a bit today, and after a whole lot of work in the morning we caught the free shuttle bus downtown for more exploring. It was late enough and the cruise ships were leaving early enough today that it wasn't super crowded either. Bonus! We met Margaret…
Comments closedWe've got some really rowdy neighbors here at the Bar Harbor marina in Ketchikan! Yesterday we worked all morning and then headed up to nearby Tongass Trading to spend a few boat dollars. We picked up an Anchor Buddy and two small anchors for the dinghy, a new gas can…
2 CommentsAirship Goes to Alaska – Day 18 (Hi from Ketchikan…we made it!) The alarm went off at 4am this morning in Prince Rupert and we got up and checked the weather for Dixon Entrance again. It was the same forecast. Waves less than a meter. Wind something something no big…
2 CommentsAirship Goes to Alaska – Day 17 Today was a 60 mile day form Lowe Inlet to Prince Rupert. We left Lowe Inlet at 7:30am and the cruise was pretty chill. No dolphins or humpbacks, but we did see a couple of deer attempting to swim across the Grenville Channel.…
Comments closedAirship Goes to Alaska – Day 16 We left Bishop Bay this morning at 8am. Margaret had set a crab trap out last night, but this morning it was gone. She dinghied around trying to find it this morning, but no luck. On our way out, someone spotted it in…
6 CommentsAirship Goes to Alaska – Day 15 Departure from Windy Bay: 8am We stopped in at Butedale for a quick look at the waterfall and the old cannery (apparently being restored): We continued on and met up with several Pacific White-Sided dolphins and got a nice show. We could see…