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Category: Airship

Glacier Highway

Airship Goes to Alaska After we successfully installed our second new Cutless bearing this morning and did a ton of work (work work, not boat work), we thought we'd take Steve's and Julie's suggestion (and Julie's car!) and head north to check out Echo Cove. It was a beautiful drive…


Hauling Out in Juneau

Airship Goes to Alaska Okay, for those of you interested, here's an update on our mechanical issues! Yesterday morning we got in touch with Steve at of Nordic Tugs of Alaska, who connected us with Mike Svensson, a shipwright here in Juneau who was going to look at our boat…

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Excitement at Sea!

Airship Goes to Alaska Excitement at sea today! We were cruising from Icy Strait through Southern Lynn Canal toward Juneau, Alaska. The seas in Lynn Canal were much heavier than forecast – seas 5-7 feet! (forecast was 3 feet for Southern Lynn Canal, 5 feet for Northern Lynn Canal…so, you…

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