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Category: Airship

Thanks for the (not so) Fun Ride, Strait of Georgia

Deep Bay, BC to Princess Cove on Wallace Island, BC This morning in Deep Bay we woke up just after 4am and checked the weather. Nothing had changed since last night's forecast: 20-30kt winds. Back to sleep it is! But then around 7:30am when we checked again, things looked like…


Lagoon Cove, BC

We motored over to Lagoon Cove yesterday after we left Kwatsi Bay. We fished a bit along the way in Tribune Channel, and got quite a few bites. We had one large, gorgeous-looking fish on at one point, but lost it at the last minute. Awwwwww. The sky was clear…

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Kwatsi Bay, BC

We left Sullivan Bay yesterday morning and headed to Kwatsi Bay. We made a stop at Pierre's at Echo Bay because we wanted say hi to Pierre. I have a funny story about this, but I'll tell you at the end of the post, so the Kwatsi Bay photos can stay together. …

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