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Category: Airship

Juneau to Admiralty Cove

Above photo: sunset in Juneau, Thursday night. We left Juneau midday yesterday and headed for Admiralty Cove. Admiralty Cove is about three hours from Juneau, at the top of Admiralty Island. The weather was crappy, but we fished for a bit anyway (out near Skull Island). We eventually called it…

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Taku Harbor

We left Ford’s Terror this morning (exiting just before high slack against about 2 knots of current…no big deal) and decided to fish a bit in Holkham Bay before meeting up with Sam and his family in Taku Harbor tonight. We didn’t catch anything, but we did see puffins! They weren’t…

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Around Juneau

We’ve been hanging out with friends here in Juneau for a few days (and getting a bunch of work done with reliable internet, woohoo!) The night we arrived, we went out to dinner with our friend Steve (from Nordic Tug Charters) and the guys from Calgary who are on the sailboat…

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Back in Juneau

Yesterday morning we left Tracy Arm Cove early and decided to stop and try for another (smaller, hopefully) halibut over near the entrance to Endicott Arm, the scene of “the one that got away.” Our thought was that we’d fish until it was time to head back to Dawes Glacier,…

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