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Category: Airship

Takatz Bay

Takatz Bay is beautiful! (And we were here for three days, so there will be a whole lot of photos!) We anchored near the waterfall on the south west side of the anchorage and as soon as we were set, we took the dinghy out exploring. The water is icy…

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Peril Strait Anchorages | Deep Bay and Half Tide Neck

We left Sitka on Tuesday morning and once through Sergius Narrows we decided to stay in Deep Bay. We put out crab traps and made dinner and didn’t really take any photos. The weather looked like this: Inside Deep Bay: No thanks, I’d rather be in the boat: We fished…

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Radioville, Alaska

We left beautiful Klag Bay on Thursday morning (August 4), backtracking out Smooth Channel a little ways to see if we could locate the island where Radioville lived. Bill Pierre in Rose’s Bar in Pelican told us to look for a red shack, and in the Evergreen book Sam had, we…

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Elfin Cove and Pelican

We left Glacier Bay National Park on Sunday (July 31) and headed to Elfin Cove (through South Inian Pass in Cross Sound). It was nice and calm as we left Glacier Bay, and we even got a little humpback breach on our way out. A humpback near shore, closer to Elfin Cove: We…

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Glacier Bay National Park | Part 3 | Johns Hopkins Inlet

After our Reid Glacier on-foot excursion (and brunch), we cruised around the corner to check out Lamplugh Glacier and then into Johns Hopkins Inlet. We took Airship, and Sam and Anna left Safe Harbour anchored in Reid Inlet and instead went in Sam’s dinghy. That way we’d have Airship as a base…

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Glacier Bay National Park | Part 2 | Exploring Reid Glacier

On Friday morning we dinghied over to Reid Glacier and walked around for an hour or so, exploring the ice and rocks and waterfalls. It’s difficult to explain just how cool this was, so I’m going to post a ton of photos instead of words. Sam and Anna in the…

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Glacier Bay National Park | Part 1 | South Sandy Cove, Margerie Glacier, Reid Inlet

We checked in Wednesday afternoon (July 27) at Bartlett Cove just in time to make the 2pm orientation. Not much room at the dock (well, mostly due to the inconsiderate spaces left between other docked boats) so we rafted onto Sam’s boat and hustled up to the Vis (code for Visitor’s…

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