We finally got back up to Airship AND the weather was cooperative (unlike the week we spent aboard in October), so we headed up to Sucia Island for a couple nights while the sun was shining and the wind was calm.
Winter cruising is so great up in this area. So much of time we have the whole place to ourselves! We did some work after we got settled, and then went for a hike before the sun set.

Last night was quiet and clear and the stars were bright. This morning was still clear and blue with a nice big moon and some low fog off in the distance (and a bit of frost on the dock!)
We worked for most of the day, but managed to get out and hike over to Echo Bay before it got too dark and too cold.
We got a couple neighbor boats by the end of the day, and by the end of our hike the fog had really rolled in. No sunset photos tonight!
We’re going to grill up some of the salmon we caught in Alaska for a salmon taco dinner tonight, and then in the morning (after the fog burns off, I expect) we’ll figure out where we want to go next!
Also, totally unrelated, here’s a photo of my mom’s adorable new puppy, Lucca:
He’s a White Shepherd like her others, and just adorable, don’t you think? 🙂
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