So, there are a couple types of tours: (1) the tour in a giant brightly colored and tour-branded bus full of people, and (2) the small group tour in a nondescript van with a maximum of only 8 people. While in theory this smaller group tour might sound much more…
Comments closedTag: wine
Yesterday (May 3) was my birthday (yay, birthdays!). Kevin told me on Friday that he had a surprise planned starting the next morning. He also told me to pack a bag for a couple days that included biking stuff and something to wear to a nice dinner out, and to…
Comments closedToday we rode our bikes over to Chateau Montelena. If you've seen the movie Bottleshock, or if you know about the 1976 Paris blind tasting upset (also known as the "Judgment of Paris") when a California Chardonnay won first prize over its French competitors (unthinkable!), then you'll probably have heard of this…
1 CommentHappy New Year! We hope everyone had a lovely holiday. We spent ours with friends and family and boy did we have a great time. We visited, played games, hiked, cooked, laughed, shopped, got pedicures, and had an overall fun and mellow break from it all. But mostly, we ate. Kevin's…
7 CommentsThe sun came out today (SUN!!!!) and so this afternoon we all piled into the car and headed out for a Sunday drive to a couple of the wineries West of Portland. We needed to pick up some wine club shipments that we missed while on the road and today…