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Category: Airship

Clever Crow

This crow took advantage of the windy day in Anacortes today. As the neighboring boat’s anemometer spun around fast in the wind, the crow would lean in and let it scratch his neck and shoulder. I love the crafty crows! We are back on Airship now after a very nice holiday at…


Finally! Tiny Deer!

We’re back at Jones Island tonight (three Nordic Tugs!): Dan & Eileen on Fortunate (a 32′), and Sam, Anna, David, and Mark on Safe Harbour (Sam’s 37′). Airship, with rainbow: We are moored on the north side of Jones, since the wind today and tonight will be SE. This afternoon we…

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More from Sucia Island

The sunrise yesterday looked exactly like the sunrise today. It’s cold (28 degrees Fahrenheit) and perfectly crystal clear out. It’s gorgeous out! Yesterday Kevin and Sam and I had breakfast on Sam’s boat and then hiked out to Ewing Cove to check out the sea conditions. Snowy mountains in the distance,…

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Lummi Island, The Willows Inn, and the Spark Museum of Electrical Invention

We headed up to the Willows Inn on Lummi Island again this year for Kevin’s birthday. We mostly do experiences rather than gifts for birthdays these days and it’s quite nice because we both get to experience what we plan. Luckily, our tastes are very similar. The ferry ride over to…

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Turn Island

We left Anacortes this morning around 9:30am or so…sleeping in meant we had about 2 kts of current against us as we made our way out of Guemes Channel. Oh well. It was so nice to be on the water and out of the marina that we didn’t much care…

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