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Category: Airship

Airship to Alaska | Day 15 | Hartley Bay to Prince Rupert

Airship Goes to Alaska 2016 Whoa! We made it to Prince Rupert! Two weeks after leaving the San Juan Islands. 🙂 We left Hartley Bay this morning at 6am. The cruise to Prince Rupert was almost 80 miles, so we had a long day ahead of us… …a long day in Grenville…


Airship to Alaska | Day 13 | Rescue Bay to Khutze Inlet

Airship Goes to Alaska 2016 We slept in this morning, had some breakfast, and then Kevin went to check the crab traps. (Two large keepers, woohoo!) The wind had definitely picked up, so we opted to go through Jackson Narrows and head over to Finlayson Channel, and then poke our…

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Airship to Alaska | Day 11 | More from Ocean Falls

Airship Goes to Alaska 2016 The weather finally cleared up a bit earlier this evening so we went out for a walk around "town." (Some history about Ocean Falls here.) The "bar" is apparently to the left: Our buddies, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. I spotted one of the policemen returning…

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Airship to Alaska | Day 10 | Fury Cove to Shearwater BC

Airship Goes to Alaska 2016 Our Cape Caution crossing yesterday was nice and calm and uneventful, just like we like it!  We weren't planning to cut through the Walker Group, but as we passed by that inviting opening, I decided to cut through after all. It's so pretty in there!!…


Airship to Alaska | Day 9 | Crossing Cape Caution

Airship Goes to Alaska 2016 5:00am at Port McNeill Current Weather:Queen Charlotte Strait: Wind lightQueen Charlotte Sound: Wind lightCentral Coast from McInnes Island to Pine Island: Wind light. Seas 1 metre or lessWest Sea Otter Buoy: Waves 0.7 metres at 15 seconds. Wind WSW 6 gusting to 8All the way…


Airship to Alaska | Day 8 | Echo Bay to Port McNeill, BC

Airship Goes to Alaska 2016 We got up fairly early this morning at Echo Bay, chatted with Pierre a bit more while he showed us some of the work he'd done recently on the rental cabins. We pulled away around 7:30am, saying goodbye until September, when we stop on the way south…

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Airship to Alaska | Day 7 | Port Harvey to Echo Bay BC

Airship Goes to Alaska 2016 We slept in at Port Harvey this morning…had some coffee, pulled the crab traps (two too small Red Rock crabs) and chatted with George a bit more before leaving the dock and heading toward Echo Bay to see Pierre. It's still early in the season,…