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Where We’ve Been

We've been debating for a while whether to get one of those "Where We've Been" sticker maps for the Airstream. There never seemed to be "the perfect place" for it. We decided a couple weeks ago that we'd get one, and put it on the door.

Here it is before states:


And now, with states:


We've got three more to add after yesterday (Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas), and we'll be able to add New Mexico in a couple weeks. (Clearly, we need to go east, we know.)

Since we decided to sticker up our door, we've been collecting cool stickers from places we've been…Pike's Peak, Leadville, etc. But this looks so clean here that I'm not sure I want to mess it up now.

Okay, and just as an aside, do you think the company who makes these could have spent about five more minutes proofing the copy for their front of their product? (Click to enlarge)



  1. You have to be going through NM on your way home, right?

  2. Of course. 🙂

  3. Yay! We’re all tagged up!

  4. Karen Karen

    Five more minutes might not have helped if they lack the intelligence to begin with… Oh, and there’s an extra space in front of “aggressive” 😀

  5. Brave girl. I feel like stickering up my airstream’s door would a bigger commitment than getting a tattoo. (Though I do consider both frequently…)

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