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Sadly, the battle has apparently begun

Filiform corrosion. πŸ™







We always wash our trailer off if we've been at the ocean, and we usually keep a good wax, and yet, here it is: the dreaded filiform corrision. There are probably over 100 pages of forum thread on Airforums about this, and I've read some of it, and we're working on using this method for arresting it and keeping it from spreading.

It's a bummer though, on a 1-1/2 year old trailer, to have this already starting. And I know we need to just choose some good products and work to protect the other seams and keep this from spreading, but it does feel a bit like a monster that's begun eating away our lovely silver pod. (I feel like every time I look at it there's more, but I think that's just me, obsessing.) πŸ™‚

If you've had experience with this and have had good luck with any other methods, feel free to let me know.

On a cheerier note, check out what we made for breakfast yesterday with our leftover crab:


Thick-sliced star tomato, steamed spinach, crab meat, poached eggs, and hollandaise (that separated a little bit cuz it was leftover and sat too long, but it was still amazing).

(Posted by Laura)

One Comment

  1. πŸ™
    We bought our 2008 used β€”Β it had been camped out at Venice Beach or some such place in its former life, and it is full of the stuff, pretty much up and down every seam. It’s a lost cause on ours.

    Stay vigilant!

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